IMAGO - n, image, a prototype, final stage of metamorphosis

IMAGOarchitects, a West London architectural practice, has been established for 20 years. Our skills range from residential improvements, through new build homes and business premises to conceptual design for arts and visitor centres and include developing schemes for green field sites.

We have expertise in structural glass as well as eco matters so we will give your scheme the added class of cutting edge design that saves energy.

IMAGO can advise on schemes from feasibility, through to administering the build contract for a competitively tendered main contractor, and our involvement means schemes are regularly completed to schedule and on budget.

For an initial free hour’s consultation do complete the email request form at the foot of this site.

For more about Jenny Harborne the principal please visit LinkedIn and for our latest news on ECO matters please visit twitter feed IMAGOeco. Alternatively email directly Jenny Harborne.


IMAGO are ARB and RIBA registered architects and on the Green Register. We donate time for Article 25 producing artwork for auction, and we are registered with the Houzz, an international home improvements directory  and Green Planet Architects, the first international network of Sustainable Architects. Some of our past work is stored on the AJ Buildings Library

ARB Registered Architects
RIBA Chartered Architects
Article 25 Charity
The Green Register


IMAGO’s work has been exhibited at NLA, the RIBA, Somerset House, the Shard and Central Saint Martins in the following exhibitions.


Projects have featured in a range or Interior, self build and RIBA journals, and newspaper supplements, a sample is shown here, articles available on request.


1          Anthony; Our flats are marketing at double the value 4 years ago before we undertook the works! OWNER 60'S APARTMENTS BAYSWATER

2          James & Christine; Our friends are always surprised how light it is here. FLAT PRIMROSE HILL

3          Wendy & Vas; We love the views you made onto our garden we can sit here for hours! FLAT MAIDA VALE

4          Jane & Alex; The house is so warm even this winter! And we love the sedum roof. It’s been a great project we’ve enjoyed it and are delighted with the result HOUSE EXTENSIONS & RECOFIT KENSINGTON TOWNHOUSE

5          Ian & Meriel; Thankyou for all your patience and support in making our lovely home HOLLAND PARK MEWS EXTENSIONS & RECOFIT

6          Diana & David; No it wasn’t a stressful experience- Jenny took care of the builders and everything. When my sister visited she didn’t want to leave the house and loved this room she said it was like Miami LION ESTATE HOUSE EXTENSIONS & RECOFIT

7          Deborah; I am so sad to leave our house and all the lovely cupboards you designed for us INTERIOR WORK SOUTHHILL PARK HOUSE

8          Paul & Clare; We became the beneficiaries of Jenny’s obsession with glass. Now we’ve done it we love it unreservedly. It is highly unusual HOUSE EXTENSIONS ISLINGTON TOWNHOUSE

9          Sara & Colin; It’s a real WOWJenny was extremely positive and full of ideas. She was also practical- and persuasive. GARDEN GLASS EXTENSION FULHAM

10       Rachel; Thankyou for all your imaginative and meticulous work. I love looking out of the windows, am warm and cosy and soon will be in possession of a very fine house! HOLLAND PARK MEWS EXTENSIONS & RECOFIT

11       Will & Nicki; Our visitors are always impressed and even after 10 years they say if you ever want to move tell us, we want it! HOUSE EXTENSION BLACKHEATH

12       John and Zoe; Many thanks for all your excellent design work for this project and for managing the contract well.  Thank you also for bearing with us during our various earlier changes of mind! I will certainly be ready to recommend you to friends or neighbours if I hear of any relevant requirements. GLASS GARDEN ROOM WIMBLEDON


For illustrated blogs on the following subject please email

GEREN PLANES: Planning permission has just been granted for this new home by the Thames in Cookham

THE LEAF CABIN: Independent accommodation that blends into your garden with minimal impact 

DO IT WITH AN ARCHITECT: Whether you wish to build a new home or office, extend and remodel an existing one or simply refurbish, it makes sense to employ an architect

ENERGY SAVING TIPS: Nearly a third of UK’s energy is consumed at home and over two thirds of that is used in heating our rooms and hot water

WIMBLEDON GLASS GARDEN ROOM: The client wanted to improve the planning of their home and opted for a structural glass extension to the lounge, now complete.

10 x 10 LONDON CHARITY AUCTION, £100,000 raised: Article 25– charity for Development and Disaster Relief- host a drawing event annually with 100 architects

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Name: Based in North Kensington London & Toulouse France.